I guess those of you that are in the good 'ol USA (is it that anymore?) can relate to living in this crazy land during the last couple of months, right? I am so ready for all this election nonsense to be over..... Yes I know it's a civic duty and a privilege and all that (I voted the first day of Early Voting so this is just me complaining), but you can't turn on the radio, the TV or drive down the street without being bombarded by candidates.... OMG!!!!! All that money being wasted on terrible ads- and they ARE terrible! Maybe in other places it's not as bad as here where the world has decided to come watch the circus unfolding before our very eyes..... It's so sad to have to choose the least worst instead of the most capable person, but such is life I guess......
Good thing is that with all the school details coming to a head that's pretty much all I have time for. Just getting everything done on time, all the paperwork needed to get registered at school, transcripts obtained (what's that "must be in a s

But under the present state of affairs it seemed like a good idea to go back to school, after all, how much getting up late and lolling around the house can you take? Unless cleaning and watching the tube is your thing, something had to give and school was it. Gives me nightmares actually just thinking about having to pay off student loans later, but like Scarlett famously said: "I'll think

Anyway, nothing to be done but "just do it", get down and get it done. Sooner or late

So for now everything is done and we're all set. Not used to the routine yet or the hours, but no sense thinking about that, it will come after all, in time. I'm excited about a new adventure and I hope once we're done that we will not only find satisfactory employment but a whole new challenge as well. Plus if you think about it we'll be getting a truly mobile edu

Of course I also think that what am I doing gearing up for a whole new adventure at a time when most people are gearing down, but I figure "use it or loose it" so it should be good to keep active and always learning and practicing stuff I like to do anyway. Besides, I've been in the food business for many, many years (more than I care to admit to) and this will only refresh and hone my skills plus give me formal acknowledgment of my years "out in the field" and lastly I figure, it can't hurt, so why not, eh?
Even if I won't have as much time as before to sit and write, I expect to be able to continue my journal as time goes by and keep you up to date as to our progress in the wonderful world of all things culinary. Don't forget to stop by and check in and see what we're up to. It promises to be a most satisfying journey.....
Happy Hal

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